Saturday - Sunday, April 29 - 30, 2023
Art Academy of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
Join HRC Greater Cincinnati & the Art Academy of Cincinnati for a night of fashion & fun you won't soon forget! A social evening that culminates in a runway show featuring all ages, but created with the vision of the students of the AAC. This annual fashion show's mighty return is one not to miss! All funds raised from this event fuel the fight for full LGBTQ+ equality.
More about the show and our partnership: The Greater Cincinnati Human Rights Campaign's local community leaders and the Art Academy of Cincinnati explore the theme of youth in action, through the creations of the students. Their own mission statement could not say it better when they strive to be "...the most celebrated, relentless, rebellious, cutting-edge and radiant community of artists and designers anywhere, at any time the seers, the radicals, the innovators, and creative professionals who establish the rules that the future will follow." From climate change, the right to love, and racial equity, our youths' vision for the future will someday soon be the reality. Themes of growing up, loss, maturing, activism, and celebration are weaved through the fabric of this fashionable colorfest!